Licensing Training
The Legal Profession Act of the Maldives (LPA) introduced two essential requirements for becoming a licensed lawyer in the Maldives:
1. Completion of a Licensing Training Program (LTP); and
2. Passing a Bar Exam administered by the Bar Council of the Maldives (BCM).
The purpose of the LTP is to prepare and equip aspiring lawyers with the necessary knowledge and skills, and learn about legal principles and procedures, and improve their analytical and advocacy skills with the guidance of experienced lawyers. Given the unique context of the Maldives’ legal profession, the LTP has now been changed pursuant to the Second Amendment to the LPA, and the subsequent Fourth Amendment to the Licensing Rules of the BCM.
The updated LTP framework is effective from 19 March 2024, and offers two new routes to complete the LTP:
1. Pupillage; and
2. Certificate of Licensing Training Program (CLTP).
Licensing program offers valuable information and practical experience, laying the foundation for a successful career in law. Aspiring lawyers will learn about legal principles and procedures and improve their analytical and advocacy skills with the guidance of experienced lawyers.
An aspiring lawyer may choose from two licensing training routes: Pupillage or the Certificate of Licensing Training Program (CLTP). Aspiring lawyers must complete either of these programs to satisfy the Licensing Training Program component of the BCM. Both pathways are based on the fulfillment of licensing training “core skills” established by the BCM.
Pupillage consists of a period minimum 4 months to 1 year, at least 500 hours of program is completed under the supervision of a supervisor lawyer. Provided that 500 hours of training is successfully completed within 1 year, whether under a full-time or a part-time Pupillage, the Licensing Training Program is considered to be successfully completed. The term of full-time training may also be extended up to 1 year if circumstances require such extension (e.g. interruption of training due to illness; lack of sufficient work at Supervisor’s workplace; trainee needs to supplement income by taking another work part-time, etc.). BCM should be notified about the need for an extension.
Certificate of Licensing Training Program (CLTP) consists of a minimum 4-month to 1 year training course term by a provider approved by the BCM, in a program consisting of at least 500 hours of combined skills-based in-class instruction time, independent work assignments, legal work placements or internships, trial observations, workshops, tutorials, and other professional activities and training.
The term for a Part-Time Certificate of Licensing Training Program may extend up to 1 year and includes a training program equivalent and similar to the training described for a full-time Certificate of Licensing Training Program, consisting of at least 500 hours of core skills legal training. Provided that 500 hours of training is successfully completed within 1 year, whether under a full-time or a part-time CLTP, the licensing training program is considered to be successfully completed. The Minimum Standards for the Certificate of Licensing Training Program have been issued and are available to the CLTP provider.
Completing the licensing training program is an important step towards becoming a qualified lawyer, empowering individuals with the expertise and confidence to excel in the legal field.
The LTP is to be carried out in accordance with the Licensing Training Program Policy, which can be found below.
Eligibility Criteria for Trainees
Under the new framework, the Pupillage can only be commenced after applying to the BCM, and the application is approved and registered at the BCM.
The CLTP can only be commenced after enrolling with a CLTP provider as approved by the BCM.
Those who can apply for the LTP are either;
A graduate who has obtained a Qualifying Law Degree (QLD) from an accredited institution in the Maldives; or
Degrees obtained from foreign institutions which is accepted as a QLD for the purposes of licensing in the jurisdiction in which it was issued.
Pupillage Application Process
The following supporting documents are required with the application:
- Copy of the trainee’s National Identity Card;
- QLD certificate or completion letter issued to the trainee;
- Pupillage Supervision Agreement;
- Licensing Training Plan; and
- If applicable, an employment letter for the trainee and the supervisor.
Note: If the pupillage is conducted in any accepted institution or organization that is not a law firm or legal practice, a letter must be submitted on the official letterhead of the employing institution or organization confirming the supervisor’s employment and designation, the trainee’s employment, and designation, and that the supervisor is employed in a supervisory capacity in respect of the trainee.
Once the application is processed, an administrative fee will be charged prior to registration of the Pupillage.
Register for Pupillage via the below link
Eligibility Criteria for Supervisors
- Be a lawyer active in the practice of law in Maldives.
- Have a minimum of 5 (five) years of experience as a practicing lawyer in the Maldives.
- Be an individual working in any of the places stated in section 6(g) of this Regulation.
- Shall not be a person barred from advocating in any of the courts pursuant to a disciplinary matter.
- Shall be associated with and working in that law firm or legal practice or the State authority, institute or office mandated with legal service provision.
- Individuals with 5 (five) years of experience in the practice of law may supervise 3 candidates concurrently.
- Individuals with 7 (seven) years of experience in the practice of law in Maldives may supervise 5 (five) candidates concurrently.
- Individuals with 12 (twelve) years of experience in the practice of law in Maldives may supervise 6 (six) candidates concurrently.
Supervisor Registration
Lawyers who wish to be supervisors for the Pupillage must register with the BCM first, via the below application form.
The following supporting documents are required with the application:
- Licensing Training Plan.
Register of Supervisors
Eligibility Criteria for Training Institutions
The Pupillage can only be conducted at a workplace that meets the following conditions. The workplace must:
be a law firm or a legal practice registered at the BCM, or a state authority, institute or office mandated with provision of legal services;
an eligible lawyer who meets the requirements of a training supervisor provides legal services at the workplace mentioned immediately above; and
have the facilities available for training and is regularly open for legal service provision.
Completion of Pupillage
In order to deem the Pupillage as complete, the supervisor must submit the following documents to the BCM:
Mid-Term Progress Report upon completing 250 hours of the Pupillage;
Final Progress Report at the end of the Pupillage;
Certificate of Service, attesting that the trainee is competent to become a lawyer.
Upon completion of the training hours, the trainee and the supervisor can also submit the respective evaluation forms to the BCM via the link below:
If the Pupillage is ended before the duration of both 500 hours and the minimum four month total duration, the supervisor and trainee must ensure that the BCM is notified of early termination of the Pupillage, within 15 (Fifteen) business days from the date of termination.
When notifying the BCM, the following documents must be submitted:
- Termination of Pupillage Supervision Agreement; and
- Mid-term Progress Report – if the terminated Pupillage was for a duration of less than 500 hours; or
- Final Progress Report – if the terminated Pupillage was for a duration of 500 hours or more but not four months; and
- Certificate of Service.
The trainee may complete the full training period and skills or the remainder of the training period and skills with another supervisor – but the trainee must first submit a new application for Pupillage to the BCM and get approval, prior to commencement of the Pupillage with the second supervisor.
The CLTP will only be implemented by law schools and training institutions approved by the BCM.
While graduates with QLD are eligible for the CLTP, approved institutions may publish additional requirements for enrollment into the CLTP course offered at the respective institution.
Upon the successful completion of the enrolled CLTP course, the trainee must apply to the BCM for recognition of completion of the CLTP course via the link below:
Application Form for Recognition of Completion of CLTP